Changelog of Become a Ninja with Vue 3

Here is the full changelog of the ebook Become a Ninja with Vue 3, release per release, chapter per chapter.

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Currently supported versions

Changes in ebook

From zero to something: Use the new --bare option of create-vue v3.14.
Advanced component patterns: useTemplateRef is automatically infered.
How to build components: Add a section about how to pause/resume watchers as introduced in Vue v3.5.
How to build components: Add a section about useTemplateRef as introduced in Vue v3.5.
Script setup: Use props destructuration as it is now stable in Vue v3.5
Slots: Add a section about v-slot destructuration.
The templating syntax: Add the shorter v-bind syntax introduced in Vue v3.4.
How to build components: Add an example of a validator using other props, as introduced in Vue v3.4.
Forms: Update the defineModel section with the new features from Vue v3.4.
Forms: Add a section about the defineModel macro introduced in Vue v3.3.
Forms: Add a section about how to build custom form components.
The many ways to define components: The "sugar ref" syntax has been removed as it is now deprecated as of Vue v3.3.
Script setup: Use the shorter defineEmits syntax introduced in Vue v3.3.
Script setup: Add a section about the defineOptions macro introduced in Vue v3.3.
Slots: Add a section about the defineSlots macro introduced in Vue v3.3.
Custom directives: New chapter about custom directives!
Router: Add a section about the route meta field and its usage with guards
Advanced component patterns: New chapter about advanced component patterns! First sections are about template and component refs.
Global: Reorder the chapters so that the composition API chapter is before the script setup one (as in the Pro Pack exercises).
Style your components: Add a section about v-bind in CSS
Internationalization: New chapter about vue-i18n!
State Management: Add some details about Pinia (SSR, plugins, HMR, etc.), and add a section about "Why use a store"
From zero to something: The getting started section now uses Vite and create-vue!
Style your components: Explain the differences between Vite and the CLI for styles handling
Testing your app: Section about Vitest and the differences with Jest
Lazy-loading: Add a section about lazy-loading with Vite
Performances: Mention Rollup and Vite
State Management: As Pinia is the new official recommandation for state management library in Vue 3 (instead of Vuex), the chapter now goes deeper into the details of how to use Pinia, and how to test it.
Script setup: Section about defineProps destructuration and default value feature, introduced in Vue{nbsp}3.2.20
The templating syntax: Section about Templates and TypeScript support in Vue 3.2
Composition API: Section about the awesome VueUse library
Router: Section on how to use vue-router-mock for tests
Script setup: New chapter about the script setup syntax! All examples of the ebook and exercises have been migrated to this new recommended syntax, introduced in Vue 3.2.
Suspense: Section about script setup and await
The many ways to define components: Update to sugar ref RFC take 2
The many ways to define components: New chapter about the various ways to define a component in Vue 3
Performances: New chapter! Includes a section about the new v-memo directive introduced in Vue 3.2.
Global: Add links to our quizzes!
The templating syntax: Mention the projects that can be used to have template type-checking at compile time. The ebook now uses Volar to check the examples.
Forms: VeeValidate v4.3.0 introduced a new url validator.
State Management: New chapter about the Store pattern, Flux libraries, Vuex, and Pinia!
Provide/inject: New chapter about provide/inject!
Animations and transition effects: New chapter about animations and transitions!
Style your components: New chapter about styles!
Forms: Adds a section about custom validators with VeeValidate
Forms: Adds a section on VeeValidate configuration (how to validate on input)
Router: Adds a section about using the router with Suspense
Suspense: Adds a section on the differences between using Suspense or onMounted
How to build components: Adds a section on how to choose between ref and reactive.
Forms: VeeValidate now offers only some of the previous meta-flags.
Forms: It is now possible to rename a field with VeeValidate to have nicer error messages.
Forms: Update VeeValidate to v4, which supports Vue 3
Slots: The chapter now comes earlier in the book, before the Suspense chapter.
Router: Guards can now return a value instead of having to call next().
Slots: New chapter about Slots!
Directives: Clarify that v-for can be used with in or of
Under the hood: New chapter! Learn how Vue works under the hood (parsing, VDOM, etc.)
Under the hood: Add a section about building the reactivity functions from scratch
Under the hood: Add a section about reactivity with getter/setter and proxies
The wonderful world of Web Components: Use customElements.define instead of the deprecated document.registerElement.
How to build components: Explain the emits option and how it can be used to validate the emitted event.
Global: First public release of the ebook!

You can download the latest version (these updates are free to any buyer!).

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